2007. június 8., péntek


In theoretical computer science, a non-deterministic Turing machine (NTM) is a Turing machine whose control mechanism works like a non-deterministic finite automaton.

An ordinary (deterministic) Turing machine (DTM) has a transition function that, for a given state and symbol under the tape head, specifies three things: the symbol to be written to the tape, the direction (left or right) in which the head should move, and the subsequent state of the finite control. For example, an X on the tape in state 3 might make the DTM write a Y on the tape, move the head one position to the right, and switch to state 5.

An NTM differs in that the state and tape symbol no longer uniquely specify these things - many different actions may apply for the same combination of state and symbol. For example, an X on the tape in state 3 might now allow the NTM to write a Y, move right, and switch to state 5 or to write an X, move left, and stay in state 3.

How does the NTM "know" which of these actions it should take? There are two ways of looking at it. One is to say that the machine is the "luckiest possible guesser"; it always picks the transition which eventually leads to an accepting state, if there is such a transition. The other is to imagine that the machine "branches" into many copies, each of which follows one of the possible transitions. Whereas a DTM has a single "computation path" that it follows, a NTM has a "computation tree". If any branch of the tree halts with an "accept" condition, we say that the NTM accepts the input.

Source: Wikipedia

p.s.: még egy oktató rákerült a listámra.

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